Jacques Firmin BEAUVARLET (Abbeville 173...
Jacques Firmin BEAUVARLET (Abbeville 1731 - 1797) Carlo Domenico MELINI (Turin 1740ca - 1795) "Les Enfants du Duc de Béthune jouant avec un carlin" "Les Enfants du Prince de Turenne" Two original etchings by subjects of Francois Drouais le fils, edited and sold by Beauvarlet himself in Paris after 1776, as evidenced by the title of Graveur du Roy he used on the plate and obtained precisely in that year. Beautiful copies in the rare original edition printed on typical eighteenth-century laid paper bearing the watermark "Double-faced crowned eagle" and the counter-brand "Dupuis Fin Auvergne 1742", similar to Heawood 1317 and referable to French paper production of the eighteenth century, with small margins beyond the imprint of the slab, a few small points of dirt and foxing at the edges but overall to be considered a set of unquestionable high quality and in excellent general condition. Domenico Melini was a pupil of Beauvarlet and this explains the relationship between the two engravings, Portalis-Beraldi even hypothesize a direct involvement of the master's hand in the realization of the Italian plate. Bibliography: Benezit "Dictionnaire des Peintres ..." Paris 1976 vol.1 pag.556. Heawood "Monumenta chartae papyraceae" Hilversum 1986 No. 1317. LeBlanc "Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes" Paris 1854 vol.1 pag.223 n ° 94. LeBlanc "Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes" Paris 1856 vol.3 pag.2 n ° 6. Milesi "Dictionary of Engravers" Bergamo 1989 pag.225. Portalis - Beraldi "Les Graveurs du XVIII siecle" Paris 1880 vol.1 pag.145 n ° 27. Measurements in mm: 367 x 495, 369 x 492